Friday, November 13, 2009

What is it??

I have what appears to be a blood blister near my nether regions. It does not itch, and only hurts if I touch it. It resembles an ingrown hair in a way. I know that it isn't any type of STD or anything, but I'm concerned with getting it to go away. Is it a bad idea to pop it if it is a blood blister? Could it maybe be an infected ingrown hair? If so, how would I go about treating it?

What is it??

I wouldn't pop it or squeeze it. If it's a blood blister, it will naturally be reabsorbed or pushed out of your skin. If it's a boil, cyst-like pimple, or an infected ingrown hair, physically manipulating it can cause skin tissue in that area to break and the infection to spread. I'd take a warm-hot shallow bath of plain water several times a day for a few days (about four) and see if that relieves it at all. If it's not starting to go away, or gets worse, I'd go see a dermatologist or gynecologist. They can incise and drain it properly and take care that you don't develop a secondary infection. Don't be embarrassed about having them work on your "nether area". They've seen it all and even far worse than you could ever offer. ;) If it's not getting better, gets painful, or gets larger, go to the doctor right away. Don't wait too long. An infected ingrown hair can develop into an abscess that's painful and more complicated to treat, but in its early stages it's a simple thing.

What is it??

try using a hot rag and let it sit on it till the rag cools off. do this a couple times to see if it comes to a head, like a zit would do. It could be a boil. they hurt like heck. or grin and bear it and pop the sucker. make sure it is not something freaky going on down yander. good luck

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