Sunday, November 15, 2009

Shaving my whole lower body?

i lost a bet from the superbowl and i have to shave my whole lower body (pubic and *** hair also) what can i do to keep from getting ingrown hairs and the discomfort from after shaving

Shaving my whole lower body?

shave in the shower after your entire shaving area has soaked for about 5 minutes in hot water... use a good shaving cream designed for your hair and skin type... use new shaving razors and go slow. You will probably still get some ingrown hair... and as far as discomfort goes, you'll get the itchy hairs when it starts growing back (which is almost instant). Next time bet on something different lol ..... Good luck.

Shaving my whole lower body?

Use hair removal cream instead.

Shaving my whole lower body?

wax instead.

Shaving my whole lower body?

The best thing that I can say is soak in the hottest water you can before you shave. It helps open the pores. I shave my legs twice a year to help with tanning, and when I do, I shave in the hottest bath I can stand, let the shaving cream soak into your skin, then I will get back in the bath and shave under water. My legs weren't designed to be shaved though, but that is the best that I can say. I hope this helps.

Shaving my whole lower body?

there is a cream to mprevent hair from growing fast after shaving it, which gives yiou long time to enjoy.

Shaving my whole lower body?

As I have stated before: A blowtorch used under very controlled, very alcohol free cicumstances.

Shaving my whole lower body?

Next time bet the GIANTS.

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