Wednesday, November 11, 2009

HELPPP!! Eyebrow CYST?

I spotted the cyst last night when it only looked like a bug bite at the worst. When I got home.I noticed ingrown hair where the cyst was forming so I squeezed out the little liquid there was so I could reach the ingrown hair. The hair was too short to pluck so i gave up and went to bed.

This moring, I looked at it again and it looks like a beginning of a scab forming there.

Ingrown hair, cyst, scab. How do I get rid of it?????

HELPPP!! Eyebrow CYST?

That happened to me too a couple of times. I would remove the scab until you can reach the hair and pull it out. Because if the scab grows over the hair, it will just repeat and get infected again. Put a hot washcloth over it to soften it. And if you have astringent or alcohol to run on it so it will be sterile.

Also, make sure you tweezers are sterile. Clean them with alcohol. That's good you drained the puss.

Give it a few days and it will heal away. I know it hurts right now.

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