when i got my 'hair' down south i noticed most of my hair coming up had a bump like a root [sticking threw] like a ingrown hair and i checked out the other tiny bumps and they had little strans of hair coming out so i was wondering is it ingrown hairs or is it a normal stage...im also 13 and a boy so give me some answers plz
it's normal
you are just starting to grow hair there ,so naturally it will be like this
It's normal. I experienced the same thing...I think it is just the hair coming slowly out of a sensitive area. They will go away in about a year, but don't worry, they don't cause anything to happen. You should only have it on the um..."sac", but if it is above, too, that is alright, just rare.
If the "bumps" you mention are on the surface of the skin, they are probably just new hairs about to grow through. If you're still concerned, the best option is always to ask your doctor.
the root like thing you saw is a folicle it is kinda the root and is normal you may see that on some or a lot of hairs from time to time thruout your life so don't worry. You are fine.
Yup it's normal just part of growing up, :)
its ok i had the same thing and its hair growing in so its nothin to worry about
thid is normal
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