Sunday, November 15, 2009

Whats is this skin condition?

i wax my bikini area every 4 weeks, i have also used other methods of hair removal before but i always end up like this, the thing is..when the hair is regrowing..i get these red spots that are unsighty. they leave scars if i squeeze them..some are ingrown hairs but quite often the hair is through and i still get them. also a week or so after waxing i get a terrible itch, which causes me to scratch sometimes until blood is drawn. at the moment my inside thighs looks like i have measles or something, this is ongoing for months now and i dont know what it is.

Whats is this skin condition?

infection, reaction to wax, irritation, once healed I would suggest have a better expert use an electrolysis device to permanently elimnate hairs

In the meantime, an antiinfective like neosporin, an anti itch like benadryl or hydrocortisone

Whats is this skin condition?

It's a garden. Let it grow.

Seriously, waxing and shaving are not for everyone. Trimming does not affect sensitive skin.

Whats is this skin condition?

It will be one of two things-

a) ingrown hairs or irritation of the hair follicle (what is likely if you dont see an ingrown hair but the hair has come through)

b) an allergic reaction to either the waxing product or the way you are waxing.

The best thing is to not shave/ wax for a while and let it clear up. If you continue doing it without sorting the rpoblem out it could become a persistance ptoblem and end up with scarring, especially if you are drawing blood. Also try sensitive wax or foam next time you do your bikini line.

Whats is this skin condition?

It's inflammation of you skin where the hair grows. Your doctor can give you atibiotic cream for it. Best way to get rid of the hair is with cream followed by antisceptic cream.

Whats is this skin condition?

i think that they are ingrown hairs i would suggest waxing downward and doing it in small sections next time. For now maybe you should leave it for a while and see if they go

Whats is this skin condition?

Get something to sooth shaving bumps, or change to a depillatory cream designed for the bikini line.

Whats is this skin condition?

If you're allergic to the treatments then just stop doing it. Rashes are much worse to look at than a few hairs

Whats is this skin condition?

Allergic dermatitis. Stop waxing, waxing is wrong for you. Get a topical antihistamine from your GP and allow the spots and subsequent rash to go away.

Do you need to wax? Once the spots and rash have had time to go away would you not be better shaving with a feminine shaver sutiable for sensitive skin?

Whats is this skin condition?

Hiya. It is awful and you must feel so uncomfortable. I'm afraid the only solution is to stop waxing. You should wait till the rash has cleared up, and with a little time and an antiseptic cream like Savlon it will in no time. You really mustn't scratch because your nails harbour germs and you will infect it.

Once the inflamation has gone down, you could try a mild hair remover. Personally though, I lather with a mild soap like Fairy and gently shave. I know it doesn't last very long, but if your in the bath or shower nearly every day like me, then it doesn't take any time at all. And it's worth it not to have such an uncomfortable rash.

Hope this helps and good luck. x

Whats is this skin condition?

The skin condition is normal. The waxing isn't!!!! You're supposed to wax every 6-8 weeks. No wonder your skin is having such a hard time. You're not giving your skin time to heal, so stop waxing so often and see the difference.

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