The bump is a little bigger than a BB and seems like it is just under the surface of the skin.
Within a couple of days of shaving my scrotum is when it developed and about that same time a "head" devolped. (next part not for the squeemish) - don't know how else to describe it.
Thinking that it could be an ingrown hair the bump was squeezed enough to "pop" it. Which did yeild the same shtuff like a regular pimple and did the same a couple days later. With each visit cleaned up with alcohol - never did burn.
About 4 wks later it's still there, no change in size, no pain and no add'l "heads" have appeared.
After almost 4 wks of no sex with anyone, concerned about it possibly being more than an ingrown hair. (I rarely masterbate either - so under lots of pressure here)
Any clues as to what this bump may be?
Thank you for all your help.
A hard bump at the base of the penis, where the scrotum starts, could be what???
its cancer, yep 100% cancer i garunteed it
A hard bump at the base of the penis, where the scrotum starts, could be what???
Boy Roman D are you just the funny one. - You are not even anywhere close to the correct answer.
Notice who writes this - the person asking the question and the question you should maybe read over a couple more times. Report It
A hard bump at the base of the penis, where the scrotum starts, could be what???
I think you have the right idea, just a razor bump. Should go away eventually but it might take months.
A hard bump at the base of the penis, where the scrotum starts, could be what???
clean ur blood with a herb called golden seal
take olive leaf tea or extract daily
it could b a cyst, this could be from chemicals in shave lotion, shampoo, detergent etc
or it could b a parasite from animals or eating meat
c a herbalist
hey how old r u? my 46 yo friend likes guys in her age group that dont masturbate very often!
ps clean it with tea tree oil or olive leaf extract livin inxs
A hard bump at the base of the penis, where the scrotum starts, could be what???
Shaving your balls? you are gay! that is so gross. Thats what you get for messing with nature.
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