Ok so a few days ago I noticed that my bf had some sort of bumps in his pubic area and I freaked out and asked him what it was and he said "ingrown hair" so can an ingrown hair cause that thing that looked like a small zit? or should I be worried? i mean he does get acne on his back so could it be
Please Help! Boyfriend drama!?
LOL, nothing to worry about. If he shaves there it is most likely to be ingrown hair. Girls can get it to. Haha i doubt there is anything wrong and i dont think your boyfriend would lie to you.
Please Help! Boyfriend drama!?
Yes ingrown hairs do that.. so calm down... and relax.. you get them too I am sure.. if you are soo worked up about it then ask him to get tested... but i am pretty sure he is not lieing to you!!
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dude, tell him to use proactiv and plz go see a doctor...i dont wanna be mean but a dermatologist might realy help at ur/his time of need....
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yeah...if they look like pimples then dont worry....now if the bumps were about a half an inch thick and there were more then 8....then u shud be worried about genital warts....but other then that...keep bangin
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Yes it can. Don't point out the imperfections! Jeez, talk about a confidence killer.
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Ingrowns usually look like small blackheads, but be safe and try to keep away from it. If more pop up, then it's probably a break out or something.
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Sure, it could be an ingrown hair. It could also be "crabs" -not something you want to get!! (Or some other UN-FUN stuff)!!
You could NOT have sex for two weeks and then see what his pubic area looks like!
Please Help! Boyfriend drama!?
Yes, an ingrown hair can actually get a lot bigger then a zit if it is not taken care of. Does that mean you should not be careful? I would either not put myself in a scary situation of possibly catching an std by having sex or if I must have sex during the time when you insist he get tested =/ I would use protection always and be very, very careful. Just because he is your boyfriend doesn't mean he cannot lie to you. And hey, he may not even know that he has something. Whether it may be an ingrown hair or something way more serious, always think of your own health first!
Please Help! Boyfriend drama!?
depends on how many bumps we're talking about and if he shaves down south or not... if its a bunch, it could be hpv or even herpes or a bacterial infection but if he shaves then it could just be the hair regrowth. you guys should still go get tested regardless of the pumps, if you've slept with anyone else or he has then it's best to get tested. good luck!
Please Help! Boyfriend drama!?
Your boyfriend should see a doctor. He may simply have ingrown hairs, but it could be an infection if the two of you are sexually active. You don't want to get infected too.
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