Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Bumps on pup?

i think its just allergies, but figured i'd ask. my 12 week old aussy shep has about 10 or so little pimple/ingrown hair like bumps on her tummy and "privates". they dont bother her, and after a day or so, they scab and then go away and then a few days later new ones pop up. we think she's allergic to grass, as soon as she goes out she starts sneezing and has watery eyes (my other dog has those two and we were told it was allergies by our vet). only thing is when we got her 4 weeks ago abouts, she didnt have much hair on her tummy and now its growing in so it makes me think it could be ingrown hairs, but they dont hurt her. i've had ingrown hairs from shaving, i know they can hurt, but we can touch the little bumps without her knowing we're touching anything at all. anyone seen anything like this? they really do look like little pimples tho.

Bumps on pup?

That's the age when we commonly begin seeing transient (temporary) juvenile pyoderma in puppies. It looks like pimples scattered around the belly and inguinal area, and is not so much as "allergy" as being due to the fact that she's losing the antibodies she got from her mother and having to develop her own, based on things her immune system is recognizing itself for the first time. It's also hormone related. (Much like teenage acne in humans.) If that's all it is, it will usually clear up on its own by the time she's spayed. Sometimes, however, oral antibiotics or special shampoos (available only from your vet) are needed to help resolve the problem.

Unless she is extremely itchy, or developing large oozy sores, it should be able to wait until her next regular puppy visit. Like I said, it might not require treatment at all....but your veterinarian will be able to tell from looking at it.

Bumps on pup?

I think you should get her to see a vet it might be serious.

Bumps on pup?

May be a grass allergy or bites from those pesky no-see-ums living in the grass. If they don't bother her [or you] don't worry,otherwise call your vet for info.

Bumps on pup?

Your probably right. Allergies can really tear a dog up. BUT, you should take her to the vet just as a precaution.

Bumps on pup?

Give your vet a call just to be sure. It sounds like she might be getting bit by some insects in the grass, or coming into contact with some fleas, and you just might not see the bites in other areas of the fur where it is thicker? But usually if it was fleas, she would be scratching, and you haven't said anything about that. That many ingrown hairs at a time doesn't sound normal, but it could be the way her body works, her skin just might not be letting the hairs grow through the pores naturally. My guess would be, having pets of my own, that she's picking up some bugs in the grass. I've seen spots like that before. Usually an allergy would turn into a rash, and not one pin point here and there. It could happen, but is very unlikely too. A quick call to the vet would be your best bet. :) Good Luck with the new pup :)... if your grass is long, try to find her a place where it isn't so deep, maybe just paw deep for a week or so, and see if any new spots show up.

Bumps on pup?

no i think its a flea thing. i dunno what they are called, but thats how it starts off, then it gets worse and your dog will start to scratch it,if its what my dog had anyway. but dont worry, dogs can live with illnesses for a while before they need help, even though its best to get it checked out straight away dont wait. but if your dogs nose is wet, they eating good, and wants walks, its fine. trust me. it will let you know if its not. but i am telling you ITS NOT IN GROWN HAIRS. lol xx sorry i found that funny. gudluck doe. **)

Bumps on pup?

They are probably allergies, but I would definitely get the vet to take a look see and verify that they are harmless. Some of the little bugs carry infections in the grass as well.

Bumps on pup?

grass allergies are not common - it might be a chemical on the grass or bug bites

the sneezing and watery eyes can be from air borne allergins or chemicals - again grass allergies are not common enough for one person to get 3 dogs who all are allergic to grass - allergy bumps are usually itchy as are bug bites...

If you are going to take this pup to a vet I would suggest a different vet...

I suspect its the doggie equivalent of pimples - hormonal in nature - bathe her in oatmeal doggie shampoo and this will help clear it up - change her bedding - DONT feed her a food with SOY as this can be part of the problem

Bumps on pup?

Awesome Aussies!!!! Good choice! Our two Aussie girls both had patches like you describe when their adult coats were growing in. We treated their bare skin with a solution of Tea Tree oil and Jojoba oil (3-5 drops Tea Tree oil to 1 tsp of Jojoba oil) twice a day.

Since your pup is so young, you may want to dilute it even more

by using 2 tsp of Jojoba oil. Tea Tree oil is a broad spectrum anti fungal, antibacterial, antiseptic and all around great gift from nature. I use a lot of products containing Tea Tree (or Melaleuca Alternifolia) Oil on my pets and my family with great success.

One thing to note, We have had a lot of Aussies, and each one seems to have a difficult puppy-hood, biting, establishing territory, and general behavior problems, but treating them with loving kindness and rewarding with praise (some treats) for good things done should help. The adult aussies are the best of the best in the doggie world (in my humble opinion). They are loyal,

intuitive, loving, affectionate and generally happy dogs especially if they have a "job", ours chose to be our guardians (one slept by the door at night, slept in the day and the other took the day shift

by watching out the windows and doors, and slept soundly all night). The other thing is they love to jump! try to keep the pup from jumping too much before their first year to avoid possible complications further down the line like hip dysplasia or arthritis.

Our two girls love to FLY after their tennis balls, and are insistant that we play every day, rain or shine.

Good luck with your pup! I have two adopted (rescue) kids of the four legged variety right now (and we love them with all our hearts), but hope that we are blessed with another few Aussies some time soon. Write soon, what is your pups name?

Bumps on pup?

Sounds like it could be "puppy pimples." Two of my German shepherds had a condition which sounds a lot like what you're talking about, and that's what the vet called it. I can't remember what the cause is, but apparently it's a normal condition and clears up on its own.

The only way to be sure, though, is to take her to your vet and have her checked out. The vet's the only one who can make that diagnosis.

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